Dear Karlie,

Hello from a fellow lady in tech! 

I am a PhD student at a joint Harvard-MIT engineering program and I absolutely love that you are learning to code and inspiring other girls to code as well! I feel like I’m going through a similar process as you right now because I am teaching myself coding and data science through online classes (since my background is in purely mechanical engineering). 

Anyways, I am so, so delighted that you are interested in technology and I wanted to make an open invitation for you to tour the best of Harvard and MIT any time you want. 

As a student here for a few years I have the friends and connections to be able to show you some of the most cutting edge work being done. We can tour the MIT Media Lab, visit the artificial intelligence and robotics labs, operate an MRI together (it’s super cool to look inside of fruits!), use tools in the machine shop, look at tissue cells under the microscopes at Harvard Medical School, and whatever else you think sounds interesting. 

We can make the tour as under the radar as you’d like. 

Here’s a link to my website with articles and my TEDx talk to prove my “real-person status” (I know that’s probably a big question mark whenever random people approach you with offers): 

If you are interested in learning more, please DM me on Twitter or send me an email lcolucci[at] Sorry for the public nature of the tweet but I couldn’t figure out another way to send you a message. I do hope to hear from you but 100% understand if not.

Warmest wishes,


PS – Love your YouTube channel and your frozen banana ice cream recipe! I now have a permanent supply of frozen bananas in my fridge 🙂