I was absolutely thrilled to get a call from Dr. Murali Doraiswamy at Duke wanting to learn more about health hackathons and inviting me to give a talk about them at my alma matter. Of course, I was immediately interested. Here are my slides and a recording of my talk (apologies for the poor audio).
Hacking Medicine
Health hackathons are events where engineers, doctors, designers, and business people come together to solve real healthcare challenges. Learn about what health hackathons are, why they are important, and how to get involved.
Program Hosts: Murali Doriswamy and Geoffrey Ginsburg
Co-Sponsored by Duke Institute for Health Innovation.
PDF of Duke Lecture Flyer: HackingMedicine_DukeTalk_Flyer
Recorded Presentation
0’00” Introduction by Dr. Murali Doraiswamy
1’25” Setting the Stage: Why is a healthcare revolution happening right now?
7’45” Fire alarm
8’08” Finish up describing context of healthcare revolution that’s happening
10’20” 5min video about health hackathons
15’45” About MIT Hacking Medicine
17’18” What is “hacking”?
18’29” Health hackathon success story #1: Pill Pack
19’56” How does a health hackathon work? Part 1: Getting the right people together
23’44” Hack Do’s and Do Not’s
25’35” How does a health hackathon work? Part 2: Schedule, Problem Selection, Team Formation, Mentoring, Final Presentations
29’15” Success Stories: AIR, Podimetrics, HermesIQ, Twiage, Smart Scheduling
35’28” Summary of outcome of MIT Hacking Medicine’s health hackathons
36’00” Health hackathons are a growing global movement & RTP is the perfect place for them
37’58” Next steps: How can you get involved?
40’35” Q&A