I visited the Kinoni Health Center in Uganda. Below is their in-patient building. We entered the various wards with patients laying on metal bed frames with dirty strips of foam. We stood in the middle of the room and were told about the health clinic as the patients stared back at us. I felt offensive. I […]Continue Reading
ArchivesAuthor: lcolucci
06AugThe Twitter Fountain

I built a Twitter Fountain a few months ago for MIT Hacking Medicine’s Grand Hackfest. As an organizer for the event, I was sad that I wouldn’t get to build stuff at the event so I decided to build for the event instead. The goal was to encourage more people to tweet. The approach I took was […]Continue Reading
06AugThe Gray Mirror

My dad, Jose Colucci, created two of the designs in IDEO’s “Design on Aging” collection. He says he becomes more and more of an expert on aging with each day. I helped him out by modeling for the “Gray Mirror” concept (check out the video below). The photo shoot took place one afternoon in our […]Continue Reading
05JunGraphic Design Work

Growing up, I would hover around my dad (an engineer and designer) as he worked on design projects and presentations. When I was 12, I watched him use Adobe Photoshop and asked if I could give it a try. He said it was too hard for me, which, of course, meant I immediately set to work in proving […]Continue Reading
11AprMedicine > Diagnosis

Health sensors will eventually diagnose every illness, disease, and ailment. In 20 years, diagnosis will no longer be part of the physician’s job description. Doctors get agitated when they hear this. “Never!” they proclaim. “Maybe for simple ailments but machines certainly can’t diagnose complex, multi-faceted diseases. We’ll always need talented physicians for those situations.” I […]Continue Reading
26MarDelta of Wow!: How to Craft a Scientific Proposal

I recently met with Dr. Mehmet Toner to discuss my PhD project and he gave me great advice on developing a proposal for my oral qualifying exam (or, more broadly, for any scientific presentation). There are two key elements one must nail at the beginning before the committee lets you go on explaining your proposed […]Continue Reading
03MarApply to Healthcare’s Grand Hackfest!

Apply for Healthcare’s Grand Hackfest on March 14-16th at the MIT Media Lab! A joint production by MIT’s H@cking Medicine and the Kauffman Foundation. About 300-400 participants will be flying in from across the country, Canada, Uganda, and India to tackle some of healthcare’s biggest problems! By participating, you will meet a ton of […]Continue Reading
10FebConnected Health

This is the century where medicine will become information science. All aspects of health will be quantified with the help of healthcare logistics companies. Sensors on or inside a person’s body will send physiological and behavioral data wirelessly to the Cloud where algorithms will interpret that information in the light of the person’s medical history […]Continue Reading
16OctQuo Vadis?

I have carried a notebook every day since age 7, and one of the “rules” I invented along the way is writing a quote on the first page before I am allowed to write anything else. Once the journal is filled, I write a different, complementary quote on the last page. I am not particularly […]Continue Reading
24AprBoston Marathon: My Story

The Boston Marathon is a joyous occasion. A sea of spectators outlines Boylston Street to cheer and encourage waves of runners in bright shirts and colorful sneakers. A woman runs by pushing a young girl curled up in a wheelchair. “You’re doing great!”, yells someone in the crowd. Sid holds my hand and we make […]Continue Reading
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